only samsoftTech

which Internet browser should i use?

on Friday, April 30, 2010

long time ago when there were witch mountains and pony tail horses ,this called Battle of browsers , the competition between browsers , well in that time internet explorer of Microsoft and navigator of Netscape(which is not famous among non computer engineer people) were the biggest shots of the time .but today there are many other browsers on the market screen and each have their own merits and demerits i will rank them based on my opinion and experience.

Fire fox

It is developed by a developer group called Mozilla, Firefox is fast and easy to use and has good security mechanism. It comes with Linux series(Ubuntu, Red hat....) pre-installed or you can download it from Mozilla`s website, and one good thing about Firefox is that user has been given the option to customize the browser based on his or her interests.I gave it 4 out of 5.

It is from apple ,comes with Macs and has good look .Fast performance is another good thing about it,it is a bit strange to use with windows.I gave it 3 out of 5.

Google chrome

new in the business , developed by Google .looks stylish , does not have good security compare to Firefox ,but very compatible .user can customize it and it has very user friendly interface, that is why i use it(lol).I gave it 3 out of 5.

Internet Explorer
It is the oldest among all these ,developed by Microsoft comes with all windows series(except with windows 7 for EU).I hate to say it , it is slow and got low performance based on what i have experienced ,and it looks boring , because they didn't change the look of it from 90s. i gave it 2 out of 5.

Note:for your own good please always remember to turn your cookies off.cookies are the mechanism in your browser to keep the track of your accounts , websites you visited and etc, so that if your girl friend or your father sees your browser history ,they shouldn't get shocked :)


samim said...

i wrote this when i was sleeping mannnnnnnnn

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